I Thought I lighten the beginners among you started and give some tips.
First, a few words on the properties of the three nations. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages.
The Germanes
living from other players virtually rob,
they also have an advantage there, they looting more in a successful attack .
Germanic units are produced much faster and can carry more resources.
Evaluation: Hard
The Gauls
Evaluation: Easy
The Romans
The Romans are pretty good for beginners, they allow to simultaneously build a source of raw materials and a building in the city. In the battle, the Romans are a balanced unit that can have both attack and defense enough. The infantry is really very strong in this nation, the only cavalry are still in the middle. A large defense bonus also brings the strong city wall. The dealer, however, have the weakness that they can only carry 500 resources and at a rate of 16 fields per hour are also mediocre.
Evaluation: Medium